Membership of the Club is open to any person with an interest in the history and preservation of Historic (not including Street Rod) Vehicles, especially those vehicles defined as Veteran and Vintage.
Provision is also made for Country, Interstate and Overseas Members, and the partners of Members.
The classes of membership and current annual membership fees are (as at 1st May 2024):
A present owner of an eligible vehicle or the past owner of an eleigible vehicle.
An enthusiast who is not eligible for full membership.
An enthusiast not resident in the state of South Australia who may be a Full Member.
An enthusiast not resident within 80km of Adelaide CBD who may be a full member.
A visitor may be admitted by the committee as an Honorary member for a period not exceeding 3 months during which time they shall enjoy the privleges of club membership except voting at meetings.
A visitor may be admitted by the Committee to the Club as an Honorary Member for a period not exceeding three months at any one time during which time they shall enjoy all the privileges of Club membership except voting at meetings.
A person may be admitted to membership upon receipt of an Entrance Fee (currently $40) and an annual membership fee, subject to the following conditions:-
That such person’s membership is approved by the Committee.
That such person has submitted an “Application for Membership” Form and has been proposed by two Members of the Club.
The names of new members and details of their vehicles, if any, shall be published in The Vintage Bulletin as soon as practicable after their membership has been approved.
Any person admitted to membership after the 1st January shall pay an entrance fee and half the annual membership fee.
The membership fee shall be due on the 1st July in each year. Membership will cease if the membership fee remains unpaid by 31st July.
No new member shall be entitled to any of the privileges of the Club until the membership fee has been paid.
The annual subscription entitles members to access all Club activities and facilities. All Members ((except Associate Members) will receive a copy of the Club’s monthly magazine “The Vintage Bulletin”.
Further information regarding the Club may be obtained from the President or Secretary or by mail to The Vintage Sports Car Club of SA Inc., P.O. Box 701, PLYMPTON, S.A. 5037.
The Vintage Sports Car Club Of South Australia Incorporated P.O. Box 701 Plympton, South Australia
Vintage Sports Car Club SA @ 2023 All Rights Reserved